Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I'm leading a bible study on prayer. I think I may not be the best person to do this since I'm a bit cynical about prayer right now. I know in my heart of hearts that God answers prayer. I know that he only does the best for us. BUT, I did pray for my son. I prayed like crazy. Lots and lots of people prayed. I was anointed with oil while in the ICU and God did not answer my prayer. I asked him to protect my son and allow us to have a healthy child. So when I lead a study on prayer I feel a bit odd.

I did share this with the women in the group. I think they understand and will pray with me trough this. Interesting that the only real way to have my heart healed by the great creator is to pray, yet, sometimes I don't want to pray. I think to myself, I did that and it didn't work. Why do it again? God doesn't hear me.

So, I have to tell myself that God does hear me. He hears my cries and will answer me. The Bible promises me that over and over. He will heal my heart and restore our relationship. But when?

In 1 Samuel, I believe it is, King David has closed himself away with worry and grief over the illness of his infant son. When he hears that his son (with Bathsheba) died, he gets up and basically goes back to work (this is the Naomi paraphrase, it's much better in the actual book). He says something to the affect of, I will not be with him here, but will see him there. Meaning heaven of course. I think of this often and am hopeful of the day when, not only do I meet Jesus but also will hold or see my son. I wish we could have gotten Bathsheba's viewpoint on this one. Oh well, another question for when I get to heaven. Ohh, maybe I can get Francine Rivers to write a fictional novel, maybe she already has!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naomi-I just found your blog today, and I am so happy I did. First, I'm so sorry about the loss of your beautiful son. I will pray for you and for your family.

My husband and I lost our baby girl, Grace, in June of 2007. I find it so hard to navigate this world of loss, let alone as a woman of faith. There are so many issues that come up: where is God in this? How do I continue to pray? How do I trust Him with my deepest desires? The list is endless. And yet, through it all, I know that God will provide. In any event, it's nice to know there are other women out there that feel the same way. If you ever want to chat, please feel free to email me at millersopenwindow@yahoo.com. Thanks for sharing your story and your insight. If I have to be on this journey, I feel blessed there are women out there like you to travel with.
