Thursday, November 15, 2007

Accepting help from the body of Christ (and others)

God has taught me to accept help from others. I think there are two reasons for us to accept the help of others. First, God uses his body to lift us up. I've never seen the actual hand of God come down from heaven to lift or comfort, not that it couldn't happen. He uses his people to support us when we need it. So by accepting help we allowing God to comfort and heal us in physical ways. We learn more about him when others are helping us the tough times. Help from others isn't just for when we have a loss or some other awful event. God offers his help in physical ways so often in our normal life. I've learned to consider it a blessing that others want to help me.
Second, when we allow others to help it blesses them. Not long after we lost Jonathan, our neighbors had a baby. They are not part of a church, so when I asked them if anyone was bringing meals, they looked at me a bit funny and said no. Our small group women brought them meals. It felt great to help them. I had received so much help during that time that bringing a meal to someone else was a great blessing to me. So often when someone helped our family after our loss, we thank them, of course. But the response was also one of thanks. Thank you for letting me help. So many people want to help. We need to let them. This allows us and them to experience God in new ways.

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